Jetset aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal

Jetset aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal

GB-Ch.Brinkley Buddy Holly with MacopaHD-5:6, Eyes-clearGB Ch. Barkshire’s Born in the USA with BrinkleyHD-ExcellentCh. Barkshire’s Secret AgentShadowbox Boogywoogy Rhythm
Ch. Moptops I Wanna Thank YouHD-Excellent
Ch. Barkshire’s Moody BluesCh. Bahlamb’s Barnyard BossHD-Excellent
Ch. Barkshire’s ShamelessHD-Good
Brinkley Teddy GirlLamacres Teddy of BrinkleyGB Ch. Bobbington Latin LoverHD-0:0
GB Ch. Lamacres Golly Miss Molly
Brinkley Dancing SlippersGB Ch. Brinkley Mr. Perfick
Brinkley Ballerina
INT-RUS-F-SE-N-NORD-D-VDH-NL-B-LUX Ch. Elbandita aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD-A1, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+, CA FreeAM Ch. To-Jo’s Funny Papers HD-A, Eyes-clearAM Ch. Raffles Ewe-Z it or Lose ItAM Ch. Raffles Just Ewe Wait HD-Good
AM-Ch. Raffles Reprise
AM-Ch. To-Jo’s Misty Mtn Sun N-FunAM Ch. To-Jo’s Pep’rmint Stick HD-Good
AM-Ch. To-Jo’s Sun Bonnet Sue
AM Ch. Applaus aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal HD-excellent, Eyes-clearH Ch. Fan Fell Private CollectionHD-BH Ch. Lamedazottel Quicksilver HD-B, Eyes-clear
Fan-Fell Givenchy
INT-DK-S-D-VDH-NL-B-F-LUX Ch. Now Available aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal HD-A, Eyes-clearAM Ch. Bugaboo’s Some’N to Talk AboutHD-Good, Eyes-clear
Firlefanz aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal HD-B, Eyes-clear

Show results
19-09-2010Novosibirsk city, Regional Dog ShowL. SmirnovaBest Puppy, BIS Puppy II
19-09-2010Novosibirsk city, National Dog ShowBest Puppy, BIS Puppy III
09-10-2010Novosibirsk city, National Dog ShowZ. BrankovicBest Puppy, BIS Puppy III
07-11-2010Novokuznetsk city, Regional Dog ShowV. IvanichevaCW, JCAC, Best Junior, BOB, BIG I
13-11-2010Novosibirsk city, Regional Dog ShowE. LepekhaCW, JCAC, Best Junior, BOB, BIG III
05-12-2010Novosibirsk city, International Dog ShowPetr HarsanyiCW, JCAC, Best Junior
23-01-2011Novosibirsk city, Mono Bobtail ShowDr. M. UrosevicCW, Junior Clubwinner, BOB
16-04-2011Barnaul city, National Dog ShowN. MaslennikovaCW, CAC, BOS, BOB, BIG III
22-05-2011Omsk city, International Dog ShowO. VasilevCW, CAC, RCACIB
16-07-2011Novosibirsk city, Regional Dog ShowS. RadukCW, CAC, BOS, BOB, BIG I
07-08-2011Novosibirsk city, Mono Bobtail ShowPauline MillsExcellent, CW, CC, BOS II
07-08-2011Novosibirsk city, Regional Dog ShowT. MillsExcellent II
03-09-2011Barnaul city, Mono Bobtail ShowE. LepekhaCW, Clubwinner, BOS, BOB
04-09-2011Barnaul/SibiriaLepeha E.BOB, Clubwinner
13-11-2011Barnaul city, Regional Dog ShowZhitkovaCW, CAC, BOS, BOB, BIG I, BEST IN SHOW
09-09-12Barnal Clubshow OES ClubMr. M. Wibier/NLBOB Clubchampion

General Information
  • Pet Name Jetset
  • Date of birth 12-01-2010 - died 20-12-2015
  • PCD +/+ (beide ouders zijn getest en vrij)
  • Titles Russian Champion, Kazakhstan-, Kyrgyzstan-, and Uzbekistan Ch.
  • Other Russ. Juniorchampion , Clubchampion