INT-NORD-FIN-S-DK-D-VDH-NL-B-LUX-F Ch. Stonebrook California Breeze HD-A/A, Eyes-clear | AM Ch. Shantel’s Headed for the FutureHD-Excellent, Eyes-clear | AM Ch. Windfield Jack Daniel | Ch. Windfield Barrister |
Dandia Carob Miss Mischief |
AM Ch. Shantel Standing Ovation | Ch. Windfield Blue Baron |
Ch. Shantel’s Misty Blue |
AM Ch. Pettibones Stonebrooks GemHD-Good, Eyes-clear | AM Ch. Scarborough’s Peacock Alley | Ch. Whisperwood’s Wildwon |
Ch. Scarborough’s Brandywyne |
AM Ch. Pettibones Talisman Hi Times | Ch. Windfield Barrister |
Ch. Talisman’s Jessica of Winnoby |
Xmashwish aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD-A | INT-FIN-S-DK-NORDIC-NL-LUX-D-VDH-Ch. Not for Sale aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD-A, Eyes-clear | AM Ch. Bugaboo’s Some’N to Talk AboutHD-Good, Eyes-clear | AM-CAN Ch. Somebuddy’s Storm WarningHD-Good |
AM Ch. Bugaboo’s We Do It RightHD-Good |
Firlefanz aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal HD-A | INT-NORD-FIN-S-DK-D-VDH-NL-B-LUX-F Ch. Stonebrook California Breeze HD-A/A, Eyes-clear |
INT-NL-DK-D-VDH-B Ch. Zell am See aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal HD-A, Eyes-clear |
Ch. Movie Star von den HottentottenHD-A | INT-NL-D Ch. Sparkle Square’s China Blue | Ch. Jolly Jogglers Starlight |
Barking Bears Dorenthy Delightful |
Fenomental aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD-A | INT-D-VDH-PL Ch. Quickborn aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD-A |
INT-NL-B-Lux-D-VDH Ch. Hot Dog aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD-A |